Zeit Contemporary Art Founder and Scholar Joan Robledo-Palop on What He’s Been Up to During Quarantine

Artnet News, March 29, 2020

The art dealer has been reading the memoirs of Peggy Guggenheim.


Spanish-born gallerist Joan Robledo-Palop started his career as a curator and a scholar, but decided to switch gears and become a dealer before founding Zeit Contemporary Art, a home for modern masters and up-and-coming artists in Manhattan. We spoke with him about what he's been up to at home.


You started your career working as a curator and a scholar. What inspired you to transition to becoming a dealer?


I grew up surrounded by art and started collecting at a very young age. Working as a scholar and museum curator was a truly formative experience, it organized my ideas about art. Later on, my involvement with artists, collectors, and the fact of living with art took me in a different direction. Nevertheless, I have never stopped organizing exhibitions and publishing about art. The art market in New York City is a truly stimulating juncture for research, innovation, and experimentation.